Saturday, July 13, 2013

HAIR FAIR 2013 !!!


(mermaid looking hairs) EXILE - Black( Piece of my heart) , Blonde (Glamorous) ...(Two short hairs & the rockabilly ones) LAMB- top/ bob(FREE), bottom/ up bun(Ceremony), Purple (Blue Monday),Brown (Truth Faith)

(Long black) WASABI PILLS Andrea....(The Other Two) AUX  Top (Cutiepie) Bottom (Relax)

(All) LELUTKA Blue ( Lorella )  Brown ( Alvina )

Sim 1 cloud (Exile & Lelutka) 

Sim 3 Brickness (Lamb & Wasabi pills)

Sim 2 port (i didn't get anything from this sim...yet Winky face)

Skin-Essences @ C88

Oh one last thing Please don't be that Asshole that wears Every mesh you own. Not everyone has a great super compter. Thank you <3

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